Atlanta Way 2.0

What is one of the most impactful things you can do to help someone advance in their career or feel like part of their community?
Help them connect with the people and resources they need to succeed!
Embodying Atlanta Way 2.0 values means always looking for opportunities to introduce people to each other for everyone's benefit.

How can we get more done and create lasting change? By working together!
At Atlanta Way 2.0 we believe that collaboration sparks solutions, funding opportunities, organizational relationships, and lasting change.
Collaboration is key in problem-solving, increasing awareness, and inclusive solutions. Let's commit to collaboration across our great region!
Atlanta Way 2.0 is proud to help facilitate convenings for your neighborhood, group, or organization. Need an introduction to someone or want to invite an entire organization to your event? We can help! We offer organizational assistance, moderators, and speakers for panels and events, and more than anything, we enjoy bringing people together to help our city and community thrive.

To strengthen the civic fabric of Greater Atlanta

To create a compassionate and just community by educating, equipping and engaging activators, partners and stakeholders

Atlanta has a thriving civic culture where all people are connected, engaged and empowered